here, for instance, we have a really quite large stand run by
Celebration Drinks, whose thing, it turns out, is champagne perry,
done up to look like actual champagne. It's
a kind of Babycham, in
fact. 'We do a lot of bingo halls, hen nights, that kind of stuff,'
says the guy in charge, who looks as if he might be a bouncer the
rest of the time, at, indeed, hen nights and bingo halls. His
Demi Sec
the business. Even PK senses its grubby allure.
on the other hand, we have Dracula wines of Romania - an outfit with
an apparently huge budget, dedicated to upping our awareness of a
whole rainbow of Dracula-themed products, including the Power
of Dracula
plum brandy, Legendary
sparkling wine, Dracula
(sic) praline chocolates, and a Vampower
phone charger. A couple of stalls away, the regular Wines of Romania
exhibitors stand around examining their nails, but on the Dracula
stand, anything goes. In my excitement I accidentally tread on the
trailing hem of a blood-red dress worn by a spectacular blonde woman
who offers to have her picture taken with me, or grant me
immortality, or both, provided I get off her dress.
the animals! The animals are everywhere except Dracula: if there's a
theme to this year's Fair, it's wildlife. A Chilean sauvignon blanc
has a llama on its label; another Sauvignon Blanc, from New Zealand,
sports a kiwi, self-evidently; a Portugese gin (yes) has a picture of
a cat with a monocle and a dog with a top hat, just reeks of class; a
South African shiraz has an elephant; an English red sports a
chiffchaff; a grenache lives in a bottle done up with an imitation
record label and calls itself The
Bee Side
because it comes from a vineyard with the word abeille
its name. Crazy! Animals are all over everything, apart from the
Dracula wines and a shiraz which comes in a tin can and calls itself
It To The Grave (with
a Day of the Dead ornamented skull motif) plus, of course, the many
blingtastic rosés and sparkling wines, which have altogether other
goals in mind.
of these sparklers are done up in faceted, spangled, dimpled
containers like giant scent bottles; some of them are encased in
bottles held within copper lattices like the windows of a Renaissance
strongroom. Some of them - the rosés, usually - turn up in
hypertrophied three-litre whoppers for the summertime bash/superyacht
crowd, who apparently like nothing more than a jerrycan of sunset
blush to round out their day, even if it means having to bring along
a special mechincal pourer, given that the bottles are too large to
pour by hand.
then, just when I think things can't get any more deliriously
frivolous, what do we stumble upon? Only Roger Daltrey's own-brand
champagne, that's what! I mean, this is the
Roger Daltrey, out of The Who - for my money the greatest rock'n'roll
band there ever was
Roger Daltrey, the definitive rock front man, Jagger
and Plant notwithstanding,
and he's put his name on a champagne that comes in a bottle with a
kind of Tommy-themed
packaging! How cool is that? The fact that it seems to cost £95 a go
comes as a slight shock to me and PK, but actually that's cool too,
because a lot of that big-ticket price goes to good causes, hospitals
and so on, so it's worth shelling out. We try some of the Daltrey
to make sure he's not pulling a fast one, but all is groovy - or at
least, it tastes pretty much like champagne, or something that would
pass as champagne, especially if you're the sort of person who
otherwise buys champagne in a bottle dressed up as a Florentine
specie cellar;
or Champers
Demi Sec.
It's still cool.
hours after we go in, we stagger out of the Wine Fair into the weak
daylight. Clearly, I have some thinking to do: if wine is now all
about Dracula, wild animals, phoney champagne, real champagne that
looks like phoney champagne, joke-sized rosés and cuvée
Roger Daltrey, then this is not the time to miss out. In fact there is
only one thing absent from today's treats, I ponder, as I
collect myself on the pavement. And that thing is wine
in a bottle shaped like Thunderbird 2. I'm just putting it out there.
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