our reverse-engineered Italian dictionary/phrasebook, suggests some
possible answers. Quale
whisky dobbiamo comperare? (Which
whisky shall we buy?) starts off well, but soon enough, dissent
appears - Voi
un caffè? No grazie, ne ho appena bevuto uno (Would
you like a cup of coffee? No thank you, I have just had one) followed
by an attempt at finding common ground -
del vino bianco (I'll
have some white wine) which is snarkily rebuffed - C'è
della birra nel frigorifero - (There's
some beer in the fridge) and a pall descends. This is followed by a
brief, gently surreal, passage:
è in il giardino -
Terry is in the garden
suonando le chitarra - He
is playing the guitar
balena azzura è una specie in via d'estinzione -
The blue whale is an endangered species
it's back to the passive-aggressive needling - Sto
mangiando un panino
(I'm having a sandwich) - Quest'
uomo è noioso (This
man is boring) until Ha
battuto la testa
(She banged her head) and the whole sorry episode ends. Well, yes. We always end up speaking broken English when in Italy. Perhaps this is why.
then. They have wine, they have beer, they make no secret of it. We
can get a drink. But Fodor's
(dating back to the mid-90's, it has to be said) merely hits us up with a
combo of Glühwein (which
it translates as mulled
and Eierlikör (egg
liquor) before giving us a minatory Alkoholfrei
the start of the beer section, followed by something called
which is light beer and lemonade, a shandy, something a child could
drink.Schnapps? The wines of the Mosel? Not there. Clearly
Fodor is writing for an apprehensive American audience, so what do I
expect? Especially when Ich
bin Diabetiker
(I am a diabetic) leaps off the page, pursued by Ich
kann...nicht essen
(I cannot eat) and Ich bin
krank (I
am ill/sick).The air is filled with melancholy.
All right, it's not much fun, Germany, whatever language you speak, maybe there's something in that, but in our household literature even
France - France, for God's sake, where we can actually speak some French - comes off badly courtesy of our
Collins French dictionary and grammar. Try this for a typical
n'avez pas d'œufs? - Have you no eggs?
du sucre - Give me some sugar
a ajouté du sucre - He added sugar to it
a tout gâté - He has spoiled everything
ne boit ni ne fume - He neither drinks nor smokes
France, possibly in Marseille, this is meant to be happening. Or
Burgundy, the home of French gastronomy. Incredibly, the alienation
has set in even before we have left England.
only an ancient Collins Spanish grammar + lessons which does anything
to lighten the mood. Señora,
celebro la ocasión que me proporciona el gusto de conocerla (Madam,
I am glad the occasion affords me the pleasure of meeting you) it
beams out at one point; chasing this with a breezy A
mi, tráigame un poco de arroz con pollo y una botella de vino tinto
me some chicken with rice and a bottle of red wine), which is
presumably why the speaker is with the Señora
in the first place. She ripostes with a real faceful of greed: Yo
deseo un plato de sopa, un filete de ternera con legumbres y patatas
before continuing with un
plato de pescado y ensalada de lechuga y tomate
(I want a bowl of soup, a veal cutlet with vegetables and fried
potatoes, a dish of fish and a lettuce and tomato salad). What a
bebo un vaso de vino y an vaso de agua (Generally
I drink a glass of wine and a glass of water) her companion avers,
but to no purpose, because what do you know, but
Después de esta suculenta cena, ¿no le parece que debemos dar un
paseo? (After
this succulent supper do you not think that we ought to go for a
walk?). This is what a phrasebook should be full of: food, drink and
companionship. In a foreign language.
only when I turn the page that I realise that things aren't as
sociable as I once thought. ¿Realiza
usted muchas transacciones comerciales con Centro América? (Do
you do much business with Central America?) is what's happening,
followed by ¿Tiene usted
que madar las mercancías en seguida? (Do
you have to ship the merchandise immediately?). Yes. It relocates the
action at once to Mexico, with you, the speaker, caught up in some
kind of terrifying drug cartel, lethally wined and dined before being
taken for a walk outside.
How can this be happening? It was the only phrasebook which had any
warmth, any sense of a life beyond these shores. It was the only one
with charm. And yet this is where you are. And yes - I'm not making
this up - Estaba en el
parque cuando el hobre se pegó el tiro
(I was in the park when the man shot himself) is how it ends. Where
you're talking a walk after dinner. This very park.
PK, for what it's worth, has his holidays in Devon.
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