here's the thing: it doesn't taste of anything. I mean, there's a
kind of rasp of wine somewhere around the roof of my mouth, but nose?
After-effects? Tannins? Acidity? The sense of having had a drink? I'm
not getting anything, anything at all. All I'm getting is this:
which point I start to panic. Clearly, Sir Ian can't have let a
bottle of fine Australian Cabernet Sauvignon out of the warehouse
without making sure it has some kind of flavour;
so the clear inference is that I'm losing my sense of taste. Of
course I am. I've been subjecting myself to a diet of cheap
industrial wines for years and now my taste buds have burnt out. It
had to happen. There is a moral here; actions have consequences; what
else did I expect? I'm surprised they lasted as long as they did, now
I think about it.
or I'm experiencing one of those unpredictable changes which happen
over time, in which a favourite taste or sensation simply loses its
appeal - or worse, becomes completely unpalatable. People just
announce, one day, that they used to love cheese but can't eat it
now, or have had to give up coffee because it makes them sweat, or
once adored the music of Peter Frampton but now have to leave the
room if it ever comes on, not that it ever does, but you take the
point. I've seen it happen. Such
come unannounced and turn out to be permanent. I once used to like
milkshakes, but it passed. I am now about to lose any capacity I once
had to enjoy red wine. White wine next? Croissants? There it is. It's time
to come to terms.
- just to be sure - I crack open a bottle of affordable Monastrell I
happen to have been thinking about for a few days and take a swig.
It's not mind-expandingly good; on the other hand, it tastes of some
kind of red wine, a taste I already greet with a twinge of nostalgia.
take another swig. Well. Yes. Red wine. I try the Botham again. Still
nothing. I put the Botham away for a day, before taking it out again
and running it concurrently with the Monastrell. This gets me
nowhere. At the end of three days I have drunk most of two bottles of
red wine, one of which tastes of something and the other of which
can draw no conclusions from this, because the test sample is too
small. All I'm left with is a choice between two unacceptable
realities: the prospect of having to give up wine; or the prospect of
having to come to terms with the idea that England's greatest
all-round cricketer might stick his name on a bottle of something as
flavourful as the atmosphere in a lift. I am too old and weak and
cranky for this kind of inner conflict.
from that, things are fine. How's your
Christmas coming along?
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