I'd say yes
to all this, because, after all, cheap'n'cheerful is exactly what I
live for and will, in all probability, die of. There's something melancholy, though, about Majestic being reduced to cartoons of men
in fruit costumes or their underpants in order to cop a piece of
Tesco's business - because, back in their prime, the point
of Majestic was that they found you entertaining, affordable grog
which was every bit as entertaining and affordable as I'm sure their
new Majestic
range will turn out to be; but which looked, and sometimes tasted, as
if it had come from somewhere other than a huge industrial zone
outside Valencia. I suppose you could say it had, or appeared to
have, charm, once.
this is where we are and I'm sure next time I'm in Majestic I will be
drawn ineluctably towards the brightly-coloured junk at one end of
the store with a view to wasting £5.99 multiplied by x,
where x
is > 1 but < 6. But then it occurs to me, not just that
Majestic are being forced to try and out-supermarket the
supermarkets, but that horrible cheap brazen wine is now so
ubiquitous, especially in my world, that I must
have evolved some kind of mechanism for choosing between these
various rubbishes, something other than the point where cheapjack
marketing meets blind chance.
after some head-scratching, I come up with three cardinal
considerations: colour, bottling, provenance. When going downscale,
red is always the first choice. Miraculously, a red can be both
disgusting and yet just this side of drinkable. Yes, I've applied
this rule too many times not to be caught out by it, but that's where
I stand: especially if the alternative is white, which can
okay if you freeze it to the point at which it hurts your hand but
which otherwise is nothing more than dirty alcoholic rainwater.
Moreso with sparkling whites - something about the bubbles increases
the toxicity, hard to escape even if you chill the stuff to a
near-solid. And on no account should anyone touch a crap rosé. I
don't know what it is about that drink: I've drunk some appalling
rosés for which I've paid £7 or more, and the cheap ones are every
bit as awful, only with an extra tramp-like hogo coming off them. And don't
even mention Zinfandel Blush, the party squeaker of still wines.
A nice label is what it's all about. Too spartan and/or gimmicky and
it galls you every time you look at it. Too fastidious - drypoint
Provençal mas,
hand-turned lettering, date - and it acts as a tart reminder of how
much distance there is between it and the thing it's a gutter variant
of. But (depending on taste) a bit of playfulness can really lift
your spirits even as your mouth tells you another story. That Le Réveil
Cabernet Sauvignon which goes for around the magic £5.99 is pretty
rough, but the label's so cute you can forgive it almost anything.
the provenance? Lidl, Tesco, Sainsbury's, Aldi, they all do perfectly
okay trash wines if you stick to £5.99 and not allow yourself to be
tempted much lower. Asda and M & S Food, I'm not sure; the Co-op
is usually somewhere out in the sticks and therefore too small to have a
range. Waitrose, on the
other hand, is emphatically a bad place for your garbage drinking
needs because they aim their produce at an imaginary clientele
which entertains lifestyle choices and confidently splashes £8 + on
its everyday wines, with the result that anything off the bottom
shelf is beneath its contempt, literally. It is, however, my
nearest full-sized supermarket - a two-minute
walk from the front door. And it sells Le Réveil. The upshot? I have spent hundreds and hundreds of pounds on my
cheap drinking habits in there, over the years: a contradiction which,
alone, may account for my current dismal state. I think The Guide may need more work.
I'm with you all the way, CJ,and find that cheap initially makes me cheerful. My tips are two-fold. (1) Look at the M&S wine site for reductions on stuff they can't sell. Some of it is superb and I instance a Sicilian white, Zibido, and an Austrian Grunerveltliner in recent months. (2) Look for reductions at Lidl on their £8-10 varietals. As long as you go for more obscure stuff, the quality is pretty good. The moral is watch what the supermarkets can't shift; then pounce. The junk that runs off the shelves is one thing. These more obscure bottles that they've only got in to keep their wine buyers happy, that's the real thing - as long as we can get them for 50% off.
ReplyDeleteI like your thinking - and agree completely, with the proviso that you have to be a little organised to make it work; and organised is something I don't do terribly well...But I might well give it a go & see what transpires...