Thursday 30 April 2015

Spring wine – a cautionary tale

Mrs K: “Evening, dear!”

PK: “Evening!”

“Oooh, it’s so nice to finish work and have the sun shining. Lovely! Shall we have a glass of wine in the garden?”

“Oh! Er…yes! But…”

“Shall I get glasses?”

“Hang on a minute…I need…We haven’t sorted out the garden furniture yet this year. It’s only April. I just need to put the table up. Needs a bit of a wipe. Bit of bird poo.”

“Will tumblers do?”

“How does this chair go…? No, tumblers will not  do. If we’re going to do this thing…”

“Alright, I’ll get the proper glasses down, then. Is there some white wine in the fridge?”

“Well, there is. It’s the bottle left over from last night, though. We put about a quarter into the poached salmon, and then I drank about half before you took it away. Put  it away. So there’s only about a quarter of a bottle left. I don’t think that’s quite enough…”

“Don’t you have any in your famous ‘cellar’?”

“There’s that gorgeous Pouilly-Fumé I brought back from Paris, the one I was telling you about… But of course, that’s not chilled. And we haven’t started putting ice into the freezer yet. It’s only April.”

“I know! Isn’t it nice to have such lovely sunshine in April?”

“Even if we did have ice, it would take ages to chill now. Should have thought of this earlier. There’s that puffa jacket thing which does chill a bottle faster. But we haven’t got that in the freezer yet either.”

“Oh, well…”

“Really, if we’re drinking in the garden, it should be rosé. That’s your wine for drinking in the sun.”

“Ooh yes, a glass of rosé! That would be lovely. Have you got any of that?”

“Well yes, I have, a really interesting Provencal rosé actually, which we didn’t get around to last summer. But of course that’s not cold, either. And you don’t want warm rosé. And remember, you wouldn’t let me buy an ice bucket. Not that we’ve got any ice, anyway.”

“Well, what about a glass of red, then?”

“Oh I’ve got that alright! Red, yes. Something light, something… Spring-like?”

“A Spring-like  red?”

“Yes, honestly! Like a Beaujolais. You can have that chilled, you know. With ice. Well, not tonight, obviously, but it’ll be cold from the cellar.”


“From the basement. It’s still quite cold down there. Not cold enough to chill a white or a rosé, but a Beaujolais will be fine. That’s certainly Spring-like. And we could carry on drinking it indoors, with supper.”

“What are we having? Something Spring-like?”


“Oh dear. The sun’s gone in…”



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