does this WinePod™
do? Apparently you tip a quantity of grapes into the Pod, set the
controls, and wait. Cunningly-crafted software tells you what's going
on inside the Pod and what interventions might be needed. A couple of
months later, you pour out forty-eight bottles of drinkable wine. The
will press, monitor, ferment, age and ultimately produce a classic
vintage of your design. Yes, yours,
it says on the website.
device has been likened to a kitchen bread maker in its simplicity
and ease of use. It
even looks like a giant stainless steel wine glass, thus conflating
the means and the end in a way which heroically anticipates cows
shaped like milk bottles and chickens with peel-off barcoded wings.
It costs (correct me if I'm wrong) something over $6000, which
includes the Winecoach
software but not the grapes.
cannot decide if the WinePod™
is quite a good thing or a threat to the totality of civilisation.
Because if you think about all the home-made alcoholic drinks you've
consumed in the past, what sensations are evoked? Cautious gratitude?
Moist-eyed nostalgia? Or dread?
all drunk teenagers' homebrew for its narcotic value and the
interesting texture of the sludge at the bottom, but after that? A
friend of ours makes, according to my wife, a pretty nice cider, but
then you've got to like cider and in any normal conditions I'd rather
drink my own bathwater. On the other hand, my father-in-law used to
make a kind of Vinho
from the vines he cultivated in his greenhouse - using the tendrils,
the bits of stalk and leaf, the pebble-like grapes, plus all the
spiders which had settled there over the summer months. Spider
it was sometimes known as, and it wasn't bad: tart, pétillant,
but with a good colour and a positive attitude. But that was a happy
accident. All other home-created drinks have been uniformly awful,
and I include among these the sloe gin we cobbled together some years
ago - which was just sloes, sugar and supermarket gin, I mean, how
bad could it have been? Painfully bad as it happened, bad enough for
me to throw down the sink with a look of bleached horror, like a
walk-on in The
is as much as to say, what chance does a serious drinker stand with
the WinePod™? I mean, the website looks great, it gives off an air
of magisterial competence, and after about nine or ten pressings the
Pod will have amortised its initial costs pretty well. But even
allowing for all this, there is no getting away from the fact that
making wine yourself is like building a kit car or taking part in
amateur theatricals: you don't do it for other people to enjoy, you
do it so you
can enjoy the thrilling proximity between your own efforts and what
those efforts would look like if they were excuted properly. It is
asymptotic, because however good you get, you can never reach that
final condition of sweet professional achievement which is
paradoxically at the heart of every DIY adventure. Put it another
way: in order to succeed, the WinePod™ must, fundamentally, fail.
brings me back (ha!) to my Champteloup
Chardonnay, of
which I could buy maybe one
thousand bottles
before it cost me more than a WinePod™ + shipping costs + grapes +
electricity + bottles and corks. To say nothing of the heartache and
the sense of futility and the blurred vision and the terrible,
terrible, indigestion which would be my inevitable reward if I had
one. Need I say more? That on this occasion, the easy thing - not to
buy a WinePod™ - is also the correct thing? No, I don't think I do.
Who would be prepared to spend $6000 on something that produces wine that might well be undrinkable? Had a look at the website, and was impressed with just how little information they gave you. Quite happy to let you add thousands of dollars worth of stainless steel to you trolley, though. Am trying, and utterly failing, to imagine their target market...
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, it didn't even occur to me to question how little sense the product makes in the real world. It may be no more than an indicator of how fast the American economy is recovering, that expensive & nonsensical items like the WinePod have begun to reappear - items which will start littering the pages of eBay, once the next recession is due